Loving: All the fun trends for Spring! Bermuda shorts, black & white, statement sunglasses, bold stripes, beading, sporty dress, flats, low heels, hearts, polka dots and bright neon colors, maxi skirts/dresses, and pastels. What I am currently looking for is a studded cross-body purse.
F21 has some really cute ones too! Ugh! I wish there was a F21 closer to my house!! Right across
the street from where I work (within walking distance) there is an H&M and a Charlotte Russe but NO Forever 21. Come on people! Well..I guess that might not be such a good idea because guess
where I would be spending my lunch?!?! That could be very dangerous! Yeah...I dont think the Hubs and our bank account would like that too much. I guess it's best for F21 to be farther away from me....
Watching: Shark Tank. Okay...is it just the Hubs and I, or are you just as obsessed with this show as we are? We can't get enough of it! Not sure what the show is about?? The series features a panel of potential investors called "sharks" who consider offers from aspiring entreprenuers seeking investments for their business or product. The entrepreneur or "contestant" can make a deal on the spot if an investor is interested but the panel of potential investors also may opt out and the contestant leaves without a deal. Panel members include Kevin O'Leary, Barbara Corcoran, Daymond John, Kevin Harrington, Mark Cuban, Robert Herjavec, Jeff Foxworthy and Lori Greiner.
Eating: Lots of salad. I literally have it everyday for lunch. With my stomach problems, it's one of the few foods that doesn't make my stomach hurt. I have recently discovered Kale Salad. Oh yumm!
My favorite! Health benefits of Kale: low in calorie, high in fiber, high in iron, high in vitamin K, filled with powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory food, great for cardiovascular support, high in vitamin A, high in vitamin C, high in calcium, great detox food. My advice: eat more kale!!
Reading: Whisperings of the Spirit by Nancy Murphy. I am totally engrossed in this book!
I can't put it down. I just started reading it last night. Ummmm..I think I will be done by Sunday.
Book Description: The Holy Ghost is always whispering to us. Through the Spirit we receive guidance that can be acquired in no other way. But are we listening? Communicating with the Holy Ghost is a process, not an event. Whisperings of the Spirit offers inspiration and guidance for seeking, recognizing, and acting on the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The author identifies some of the things that stand in the way of fully realizing our relationship with the Holy Ghost and provides specific suggestions to help us remember the whisperings of the Spirit.
Learning: SO much right now! Too much to write! I have been making it a daily habit to write in my journal at night before I go to bed. I want my journal(s) to be something that our kids read and pass on down to their kids and so on. The Savior emphasized the importance of keeping records. One of the most valuable records are the ones we keep of our own personal lives. Where would we be if Moses hadn't written his history of the world, those first five vital books of the Old Testament? He had the background, the data, the record, and the inclination, and he has blessed us throughout the eternities for the service he rendered in writing the first five books of the Bible. How grateful we should be that Abraham wrote his own life story and that important segment of the history of the world and his own revelations, thoughts, feelings, and rich experiences. We are so blessed!! My journal includes my thoughts, my testimony, personal feelings, important events, my personal triumphs, failures and struggles, and simple occurrences in my daily life. I love to write! I believe its healthy for the soul. I love looking back on some of my journal entries to see how much I have grown, how far I have come, and how much the Lord is working in my life. I feel deeply in my heart that God has some really good things in store for us that are going to happen really soon. I can't wait to see how it all unfolds in His timetable. I am excited to see what He has in store! He is so good!
Looking forward to: Spring and Summer! I think it has pretty much arrived here in Arizona. This week, the temperature is creeping up towards the 90's. You know what that means right?!?! Laying poolside with friends and getting my tan on! I can't say that I am looking forward to the 100's and 115's, but those only last for just a few months...so I think I can tough it out. That is the one thing I LOVE about living in Arizona. The weather is ALWAYS so nice. I love waking up to sunshine every day! I am not complaining one little bit!
**Be sure to check back tomorrow and link up for the Abundant Life Blog Hop with Rubi and I**
Hope you have a blessed Wednesday!!
Labels: currently, eating, Holy Ghost, lds, learning, loving, Mormon, nancy murphy, reading, shark tank, watching, whisperings of the spirit