Monday, March 25, 2013

I Am a Mormon Monday: Meet Annie

About Me
Hello! I'm Annie and I'm happy to meet you! I was raised in Arizona and recently found myself moved across the country to Pennsylvania for my husband's job. We are having fun getting a feel for the Northeast and making our place a home. Our favorite things include finding the best local eats, keeping up with all our tv shows, and taking afternoon "snug" naps. I'm a photographer. I'm fluent in American Sign Language. I use too many exclamation points and smiley faces! :) I love avocados and my rain boots and I brush my teeth in the shower.

What is hope and what do you hope for?
For me, hope and faith go hand in hand. I know that even when life feels unfair or like there is no way for things to work out I have faith, which has been strengthened by past experiences, that God is watching out for me and that anything is possible through Him; this gives me hope. So even if I have lost everything, no one can take away hope. Hope is lost only when I give up on it. I think we all hope for different things at different times in our lives. On the good days I hope the good will continue and that I can share it with others. On the hard days I hope that I can make through just one more day, and then one more, and one more after that. And on most days I hope to understand my purpose and my path a little better.

How do you live your faith?For me living my faith is a way of life and though that may sound like it is just a habit, it definitely isn't. It's easy and hard all at the same time. It's easy because of the joy it brings me as I choose to live my life a certain way each day, but it's still a decision I have to make each day. Really it's a lot of small decisions that sum up to who I am at the end of it all. And when I think about how others may see me or the way I live my life I want them to be able to tell that I live this way or make the decisions I do, not from habit or duty, but because it's who I am. I'm not perfect at it, but I'm trying.

Thanks to Kimberly for having me! :)

Interested in being apart of I Am a Mormon Monday?
(I am booked through the 1st of April but would still love to have you!)

Email me the following (

*Picture of you
*Links for Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.
*About you paragraph
*What is hope and what do you hope for?
*How do you live your faith?

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At March 25, 2013 at 9:45 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yay! I just love Annie.

At March 25, 2013 at 1:08 PM , Blogger Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl said...

Yup! She is pretty great!

At April 9, 2013 at 9:49 AM , Blogger Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl said...

Thank you so much!
Heading over to your blog right now!


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