Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Testimony Tuesday
Good Morning! Happy Tuesday to you!
Today I want to introduce you to Brittany from Second Hand Solace
She is going to share a story with you about how God is always there looking out for
each of us even when we sometimes don't think He is. He is always there....ALWAYS.
Take it away Brittany!
Hello Diary Of A Brown Eyed Girl Readers! I'm so happy to have this opportunity to post over here today and share with you a story that recently happened to me (just his past week actually!). For me, when I think of miracles or God working in my life, I think of the little moments that often have the biggest impact.
This past week was a rough week. For many different personal reasons, I felt that it was time to end my relationship with my long term boyfriend. I couldn't explain it all to you, I just felt as if it was "the right thing to do". We broke up on Wednesday afternoon. Two days later, on Friday, I received a text from an old friend that I had lost contact with. The friend went on to explain that for some reason, they randomly thought of me Wednesday night, and then Thursday morning he woke up with the "rise and shine" song I used to sing to wake everyone up at camp stuck in their head. The friend felt the need to pray for me and get back in contact with me to offer some encouragement. I have no doubt that this was a "God thing". God knew that this week was going to be a rough one and that I would need TONS of support and encouragement.
Sometimes in life, it is easy to get so wrapped up in ourselves that we don't see the little ways God is working. I am so glad that this friend reached out, and I don't think he will ever know how much his encouraging words meant to me. Remember, God will never bring us to something that we can't handle. All we need to do is rely on Him and he will bring us through the stormy parts of life.
Thanks for having me Kimberly!
Want to participate in Testimony Tuesday?
Email me if you are interested!
Thanks for having me Kimberly!
Want to participate in Testimony Tuesday?
Email me if you are interested!
Monday, October 29, 2012
I am a Mormon Monday
About Me
I kind of have an usual story, particularly for a Mormon female. I always thought before 30 I'd be happily married with 4 kids, staying at home. Sometimes life hands you some serious curve balls, and for that, I am grateful!
I was the victim of an abusive relationship and was abandoned by my ex husband in my mid 20's. Shattered, and unsure where to turn I found my faith and so much healing. In darkness I found joy, peace, and so much drive to move forward with life! I guess you could say I got sick of being sad and thinking I was a victim it was time to change things! I chose to be happy, optimistic, kind, and put my trust in God.
The result? Only 2 years after this I was married to the greatest man in the world! We were married only 10 weeks before I graduated with my MBA in marketing. I started my fashion blog at that time to try to help me piece together not just my style, but my life as well. Sometimes I look back to the trauma and pain I experienced and just feel like it's a bad dream. I think my life is a testimony that you can be happy no matter what, and that life really does work out with hope, faith, and optimism.
What is hope and what do you hope for?
Hope is excitement, passion, and a belief in things to come. Hope is actually one of my favorite words! I'm a firm believe in the idea that we choose our attitudes, we choose to be happy, and we choose to hope for good things to come! Some of those good things for me are always staying madly in love with my husband, being successful in my career, having the opportunity to be a mom (and a good one) learning as much as I can while I'm alive, that I'll survive the marathon I'm training for and not pass out, that I'll be able to use the bathroom and not check behind the shower curtain for a serial killer someday, and that I'll master making creme brulee.
How I live my faith:
I believe in eternal families, and I believe I'm going to be with my husband for eternity. I try so hard to treat my marriage special. Our lifestyle blog is all about date nights and keeping love alive in marriage. I'm a crusader for this, I want every couple to be super happy and never experience things I have!
That's just one aspect, but to me, it's a huge one, and definitely my favorite!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Day Out With Mom
Top: F21
Sunnies: Firmoo
Undershirt: Halftee
Jeans: Walmart
Neklace: Very Jane
Shoes: Guess (thrifted)
Lucite Bracelet: White House Black Market
Top: Kohls
Shoes: DSW
Pants: Nordstroms Rack
Sunnies: Franco Sarto
Earrings: World Market
Who would pay $60 for these bags??
We met up at 10am and I didn't get home until close to 8pm!
It was such a fun day together.
Its moments and fun times like these that I will forever cherish.
Labels: clothing, day out, Fashion, mom, outfit post, Shopping
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Sponsor Spotlight: Me Me Me & Mommy
I can't believe it's almost November! So crazy! This year has flown by so fast!
61 days until Christmas! Yippee!
Today I have the wonderful opportunity to introduce you to my "Big Deal" ad sponsor!
She is gorgeous and simply amazing. I suggest that you hop on over to her fabulous blog and show her some love!
Now, lets say hello....
Meet: Emily @ Me Me Me & Mommy

About Emily
Well Im not to good at taking about myself!
I'm a mother to 3 amazing boys. I have 3 boys 5 and under and I'm a stay at home mommmy. I love to spend time with my kids, shop, I really like to buy toys we have way to many. When I became a mother I really gave up shopping for myself and now I love to buy toys, kids clothes and kid stuff. I love being a sports mommy. My son is amazing wrestler. I spend most of my days with my kids I live in a very small town and there really is not much to do. Thats why I started this blog to show my family that lives far away what we do every day and other mothers you can never be bored when you have kids!
Tell us about your blog
My blog is all about my life as a mother to 3 boys. I just write about my kids fun things we do my life and Im going to start doing some dyi and a house tour very soon.
5 Interesting Things About You
1.) Im adopted
2.) Im a vegetarian I have never eaten meat in my life( and no none of my family is vegetarian just me.
3.) I lived in mexico for 2 years and went to school I was only 14 and 15.
4.) I talked my way into a English class in hight school that a teacher said no I cant and will not get into that class(well I did and I graduated a year before my class!) My dad a lawyer he taught me well.
5.) In high school I loved a music group. they were playing in a town close to mine so myself a friend and her brother made pass and said we worked for the paper they let us back stage and we interviewed them ( I feel bad for lying now) but man at that time I was a happy 17 year old girl.
Any Fun Plans for the Holidays?
We always do a big count down with the kids starting on Dec first I give them a little gift and we do something fun like make cookies look at lights make Christmas cards. This year Im going to do a post every day starting on Dec 1st of all the fun things I do with the kids. Other than that just spoil my kids with love and lots of gits. I do go a little over board with the kids!

About Emily
Well Im not to good at taking about myself!
I'm a mother to 3 amazing boys. I have 3 boys 5 and under and I'm a stay at home mommmy. I love to spend time with my kids, shop, I really like to buy toys we have way to many. When I became a mother I really gave up shopping for myself and now I love to buy toys, kids clothes and kid stuff. I love being a sports mommy. My son is amazing wrestler. I spend most of my days with my kids I live in a very small town and there really is not much to do. Thats why I started this blog to show my family that lives far away what we do every day and other mothers you can never be bored when you have kids!
Tell us about your blog
My blog is all about my life as a mother to 3 boys. I just write about my kids fun things we do my life and Im going to start doing some dyi and a house tour very soon.
5 Interesting Things About You
1.) Im adopted
2.) Im a vegetarian I have never eaten meat in my life( and no none of my family is vegetarian just me.
3.) I lived in mexico for 2 years and went to school I was only 14 and 15.
4.) I talked my way into a English class in hight school that a teacher said no I cant and will not get into that class(well I did and I graduated a year before my class!) My dad a lawyer he taught me well.
5.) In high school I loved a music group. they were playing in a town close to mine so myself a friend and her brother made pass and said we worked for the paper they let us back stage and we interviewed them ( I feel bad for lying now) but man at that time I was a happy 17 year old girl.
Any Fun Plans for the Holidays?
We always do a big count down with the kids starting on Dec first I give them a little gift and we do something fun like make cookies look at lights make Christmas cards. This year Im going to do a post every day starting on Dec 1st of all the fun things I do with the kids. Other than that just spoil my kids with love and lots of gits. I do go a little over board with the kids!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
What I Wore & Acts of Kindness
Small & Simple Acts of Kindness
1. When it’s obvious that someone else wants the same parking space you want, let them have it and do it with a smile
2. Mow an elderly neighbor’s lawn or shovel snow for them
3. Clean an elderly person’s house or offer to do the grocery shopping
4. Give someone without transportation a
ride to church or another event, even if it’s out of your way
5. Truly listen to someone without interrupting
6. Encourage and lift up a close friend
7. Hold a door open for a stranger and let them go ahead of you
8. Compliment someone
9. Smile at someone and tell them to have a great day
10. Tell your family and friends just how much you love an appreciate them
As we go about our daily lives, I don’t think we realize how many people walk among us every day who feel lonely or insignificant and have had little or no experience with unconditional love. I believe doing things for people just to be a blessing and for no other reason is an amazing way to show God’s love!
Labels: 10 things, acts of kindness, blessings, encouragement, Faith, God, small and simple, what i wore
Testimony Tuesday
Good Morning all you lovely ladies!
Today I want to introduce you to Kerrin from Sunny With a Chance
She is here to share a story with you on beauty.
Kerrin and I actually work together and have become really good friends.
She has such a great heart and really loves the Lord.
She is an amazing daughter of God and
the light of Christ is constantly radiating through her face.
I am so grateful to God that our paths have crossed and we have become friends.
Take it away Kerrin!
One day, a little girl and her mother were at the store buying groceries. The little girl was looking around and notices a very attractive woman a few feet away. She tugs on her mother’s shirt still looking at the woman and points saying “Mommy, look at that lady! Isn’t she beautiful?” Her mother smiles, looks down at her daughter and says “I don’t know sweetie, I don’t know what her heart looks like.”
Some of you have heard this story before or a variation of it and the reason why I love it so much is because it causes me to really think about what the definition of beauty is. So much of this world defines beauty on the outward exterior instead of the condition of the person’s heart.
I was sitting in church one night listening to the late Dr. Leo Godzich founder of NAME: National Association of Marriage Enhancement preach on relationships. He quoted Genesis 1:27 (AMP) which states, “So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Then he said something that struck me, he said men are the representation of the image of God and women are the representation of the likeness of God. Let’s break this down…
Stop & really think about that...
I find that amazing since the world and even sometimes the church naturally thinks beauty is directly related to the physical (the image). See, men aren’t typically called “beautiful”, women are. God has given beauty to the woman as her portion, but we represent His likeness not His image. That communicates to me that there is a deeper level to beauty than just the exterior beauty of a woman. The “truth” to beauty is in the likeness of God. The closer we get to our Father in heaven, the more we start to take on His likeness, therefore His beauty as well.
Women shine your beauty from the inside out.
Women shine your beauty from the inside out.
“Charm I deceitful , and beauty is vein but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” Proverbs 31:30
Always remember, you are the daughter of the The King, The Most High God! You are fearfully & wonderfully made! You are watched for, you are necessary & you are loved! Know your value in Christ as a woman! You are His chosen Princess. Stay so close to Him. He will whisper how much He longs for you & loves you & how beautiful you are. The King is enthrolled with your beauty (Psalm 45:11)!
Want to participate in Testimony Tuesday?
Email me @
Want to participate in Testimony Tuesday?
Email me @
bostonksox {at} gmail {dot} com
I would L♥VE to hear from you!
Monday, October 22, 2012
I am a Mormon Monday
Happy Monday!
Hope your weekend was great!
Interested in what this is all about?
For those of you who read my blog, you may or may not know that I am a
LDS (aka Mormon).
I wasn't raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I actually grew up Catholic and found out about the church 3 years ago.
Since joining the church in December of 2009 I have heard and read
A LOT of misconceptions regarding the church and about things we do and don't do,
and what we believe and don't believe.
I think a lot of people really don't
have a true knowledge and understanding of what we believe.
I sure didn't at first and it was because of what I read and what I heard.
I never thought I would be able to have such a close relationship with my Heavenly Father.
I am so grateful for this.
I look back sometimes and see where
I was and see where I am today and it amazes me.
God is so good!
So with that being said I came up with
"I am a Mormon Monday"
This is to show the world that
we are normal, that we are Christian and
that we do believe in Jesus Christ.
(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
Every Monday I will be featuring a new face.
They will be sharing with you what they believe
and how they live their faith.
Today I would love to introduce to you
Rachel from Rachel Sayumi a blog about love
Take it away Rachel!
Blog link: Rachel Sayumi a blog about love
Instagram: @rachelsayumiporter
About Me:
I am a girl who grew up my whole life in a pretty Mormon-populated community. I had lots of strong friends who were members of the church. I feel so blessed to have had the friends and experiences i had in my youth, because it helped me to become strong and faithful. I then graduated high school, came to a private Mormon school, and married an amazing Mormon boy. It truly is the center of my life and I don't know what I would do without the gospel in my life!
I'm a pretty simple girl. I love the simple things in life... I don't like wearing tons of makeup, doing my hair all crazy,wearing crazy outfits... to me, less is more (: However I do LOVE classy fashion,anything with a vintage touch,floral prints and polka dots!
What is hope and what do you hope for?
To me, hope is to have faith and not give up on certain people, situations, and things in general. I believe in hoping for the best in all situations. Living life in an optimistic way can really change your outlook on everything! I hope for happiness for everyone in the world, I really do!! It makes me so sad to know that there are people suffering in the world. I hope that everyone can feel and find happiness in their life.
How I live my faith:
I live my faith by striving to live the morals and values which I have been taught. I do my best to be considerate and nonjudgmental towards others. When I am able to make someone happy,that brings me happiness as well! It can be hard to serve others when I have a pretty busy schedule with school,homework.. studying.. and work.. but I do my best,especially starting out with my cute husband. I want more than anything to make sure that he is happy,since he brings so much joy into my life!
Thanks for having me Kimberly!
This was so much fun!
See last weeks feature HERE
Want to participate in I am a Mormon Monday?
Email me @
See last weeks feature HERE
Want to participate in I am a Mormon Monday?
Email me @
bostonksox {at} gmail {dot} com
I would L♥VE to hear from you!
Labels: church, Faith, guest feature, hope, lds, Mormon, Spiritual
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Product Review: eShakti Dress
I am always excited when I get an opportunity to do a product review.
I was ecstatic when Jennifer from eShakti asked if I wanted to review one of their dresses.
I had seen another blogger do a review with eshakti and when looking at their website I just couldn't get enough! They have a great selection of dresses, tops, and jackets.
The thing I love most is you can actually customize their clothing to fit your exact measurements and pick a length and sleeve style too! How great is that!?!
With so much to choose from on their
website it took a little time for me to pick out just one item.
I chose this Vintage Butterfly Print Dress
I am a sucker for anything
vintage and if it includes butterflies
I am all over that!
Dress: eShakti
Sunnies: F21
Bracelet: Macys
Shoes: Payless
Blazer: TJ Maxx
Sunnies: F21
Bracelet: Macys
Shoes: Payless
Blazer: TJ Maxx
I absolutely loved everything about this Vintage dress.
From the quality of the dress to the exact fit.
It fit me to a "T"
This dress is very comparable
to something you would
purchase at Anthropologie.
I was very pleased with their product
and would highly recommend them!
Labels: clothing, dress, eShakti, Fashion, Fashion Blogger, review, Vintage
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sponsor Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl
Would love to have you as a sponsor!
of a Brown Eyed Girl Stats
of October 18, 2012)
Followers: 455
Page views per day: 800+
Page views per day: 800+
views per month: 6000+
per week: 5-6 times
Followers: 598
Pinterest: 270
Facebook: 67
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
What I Wore & 7 Thrifting Tips
Sunnies: F21
Top: F21 (Thrifted)
Bracelet: Alfani (Macys)
Ring: Charming Charlies
Jeans: American Eagle (Thrifted)
Sandals: Calvin Klein (TJ Maxx)
Handbag: Kathy Van Zeeland (TJ Maxx)
1. Go regularly
Thrift stores put out new inventory daily, so it pays to go in
frequently for great finds.
I try and go at least once a week.
2. Sale & discount days
Find out if the Thrift store has sale/discount days were you can get a percentage off of certain items or your total purchase. My "go-to" Thrift Store on Tuesdays and Fridays are 25% each item with my rewards card. On Thursdays, its 50% off red marked tags. Score!
3. Keep an open mind
Sometimes Thrifting can be very overwhelming and you can run across items that you think wont fit or maybe a home decor piece that is a little roughed up. Don't pay attention to sizes. You can always find something that's a little to big or small that will only need minor alteration to make it work! As far as home decor there is always paint!
4. Keep a wish list of wants and needs
I have a small notebook in my purse that I keep a list of items I am on the lookout for.
5. Only buy what you really love
I double check my finds before going through the checkout just to make sure that everything I'm purchasing I love and know I will wear it or use it. Most Thrift stores only accept exchange if you need to return something. I have made the mistake many times of not trying clothes on and getting home and having it not fit. So make sure you love it and it fits!
6. Dig...dig...dig!!
This is probably the most important tip. Thrift stores have massive amounts of "stuff"
It's not like a regular store that you can just go into, see something and buy it right away.
For the most part most Thrift stores organize it in sections (jeans, long-sleeve tops, short-sleeve tops, dresses, skirts) but you have to dig to find the treasures. Most of the brands I find a lot of are Juicy, Banana Republic, GAP, Ann Taylor, F21, and BCBG. I pay anywhere from $3-$8 a top.
7. Look over each item and question each item before buying
Take a look at the item and make sure there are no rips, tears or stains before buying.
I also make sure that I will really wear the item I am buying. When Thrifting, I have found it to be so easy to just buy something just to buy it because its such a great deal. I don't do that anymore! Now I picture what I could wear it with and how much use I will get out of it. You don't want to buy something to have it just sit in your closet!
Labels: Clothes, Fashion, list, pink and black, sales, Shopping, Thrifting, tips, what i wore