I am a Mormon Monday
Twitter (@sonycarlson)
About Me:
I am the oldest of five kids (4 out of the five of us are gingers) and grew up in wet but beautiful Portland, Oregon. But my family just moved to Midway, Utah after living in Oregon for almost 20 years. (Needless to say it was a very tough move and took a huge leap of faith!) I turn 21 this Saturday. I am a senior at Brigham Young University-Idaho in Narnia (aka Rexburg) Idaho. I am getting my BS in Communication with an emphasis in Print Journalism and minor in Photography and hopefully graduating in July. I am currently the content manager for the BYU-Idaho Scroll and love it. Going to a church school has strengthened my testimony in so many ways. To be surrounding by so many people who hold my same standards and who uplift me everyday has meant the world to me.
I am a sarcastic girl who loves to laugh. I want to someday make a difference with my writing, to change people's lives. I also feel like I am meant to share the Gospel with it, and am making it one of my main goals. I have a photography business and specialize in senior portraits and weddings. Taking pictures helps me express what the words can't, and I love showcasing everyone's beauty- because everyone is beautiful.
I love my family and CANNOT wait to have one of my own. Looking for that special someone has been a bit harder than I thought it would be, but I'm learning that that's okay :) My youngest sister is 5 years old and my best friend and other half. She looks just like me and is easily mistaken for my daughter all the time.
My grandma (or Mormor, as I call her) is Swedish and was converted when she was in her late teens and came over to the states all on her own when she was 20 to find a nice Mormon boy to marry. Thanks to her I have been raised in the Church and consider her one of my heroes. I absolutely love being Swedish, especially with all the traditions we have.
Some other hobbies of mine include graphic design (which I am also studying a bit along with my major), watching movies, singing (I was in three choirs my senior year of high school, back in the day) and social media. Yes, I do consider it a hobby.
What is hope and what do you hope for?
Hope, for me, is that quiet guiding light that can only be found through faith. I believe that hope and faith work hand in hand. Hope is the very existence of light and I have learned this through some very difficult yet strengthening life experiences.
I hope most, without wavering, to return to my Heavenly Father someday having done all that I could to come back clean and pure. I also hope to be a light in others lives. To help them see light.
How I live my faith:
I try my hardest to live as Christ lives. To be an example to others who might not have the blessing of the Gospel in their lives. I try, and it is a constant battle, to remember Christ more throughout my day. To love him more by living my faith as much as I can. I live my faith my striving to trust in my Heavenly Father that the trials I go through are for my good, no matter how hard they may be.
Thank you so much for having me Kimberly!!
Want to be apart of I am a Mormon Monday?
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bostonksox {at} gmail {dot} com

You seem beautiful inside and out. What an amazingly brave grandma you have!
Your grandma sounds absolutely amazing Kimberly. I'm the eldest of four - what a responsibility it is, but being a big sister is one of my favorite roles in life. Have a great week! xoxox
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That's an awesome post. I've never heard of "I'm a mormon monday" but I like the idea of it! This lady is pretty inspiring, heading over to her blog right now!
new[est] follower! so glad I stumbled upon your blog...i love this idea!
can't wait to keep following along!
stop by sometime!
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