Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Testimony Tuesday

Good Morning all you lovely ladies!

Today I want to introduce you to Kerrin from Sunny With a Chance

She is here to share a story with you on beauty.

Kerrin and I actually work together and have become really good friends.

She has such a great heart and really loves the Lord.

She is an amazing daughter of God and
 the light of Christ is constantly radiating through her face.

I am so grateful to God that our paths have crossed and we have become friends.

Take it away Kerrin!

Sunny With a Chance

One day, a little girl and her mother were at the store buying groceries. The little girl was looking around and notices a very attractive woman a few feet away. She tugs on her mother’s shirt still looking at the woman and points saying “Mommy, look at that lady! Isn’t she beautiful?” Her mother smiles, looks down at her daughter and says “I don’t know sweetie, I don’t know what her heart looks like.”

Some of you have heard this story before or a variation of it and the reason why I love it so much is because it causes me to really think about what the definition of beauty is. So much of this world defines beauty on the outward exterior instead of the condition of the person’s heart.
I was sitting in church one night listening to the late Dr. Leo Godzich founder of NAME: National Association of Marriage Enhancement preach on relationships. He quoted Genesis 1:27 (AMP) which states, “So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Then he said something that struck me, he said men are the representation of the image of God and women are the representation of the likeness of God. Let’s break this down…
Stop & really think about that...
I find that amazing since the world and even sometimes the church naturally thinks beauty is directly related to the physical (the image). See, men aren’t typically called “beautiful”, women are. God has given beauty to the woman as her portion, but we represent His likeness not His image. That communicates to me that there is a deeper level to beauty than just the exterior beauty of a woman. The “truth” to beauty is in the likeness of God. The closer we get to our Father in heaven, the more we start to take on His likeness, therefore His beauty as well.

Women shine your beauty from the inside out.
“Charm I deceitful , and beauty is vein but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” Proverbs 31:30

Always remember, you are the daughter of the The King, The Most High God! You are fearfully & wonderfully made! You are watched for, you are necessary & you are loved! Know your value in Christ as a woman! You are His chosen Princess. Stay so close to Him. He will whisper how much He longs for you & loves you & how beautiful you are. The King is enthrolled with your beauty (Psalm 45:11)!

Want to participate in Testimony Tuesday?

Email me @
bostonksox {at} gmail {dot} com

I would L♥VE to hear from you!


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