Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Perfect Match
Top: Nordstroms Rack (old)
Skirt: Old Navy
Necklace: Gift from my Mama
Shoes: Payless
Clutch: Thrifted
Turquoise Ring: Scottsdale Boutique
Bangles: Thrifted
I found this flowy skirt at Old Navy for $6.99 on clearance.
While I was there i tried finding a top that would match perfectly with the skirt.
No luck.
When I got home I was digging through my closet and found this top I already had.
Perfect Match! Score!
I love when that happens....
Labels: bridge, clutch, Flowers, grey, Jewelry, outfit, Pink, Skirt
Choose The Right
I have always wondered just how many decisions we make each and every day. I believe it’s
probably hundreds or maybe even close to a thousand.
Think about it...we decide whether or not to get out of bed, what
we’ll eat, what we’ll do, what we’ll think about, what we’ll say…and on
and on.
Sometimes it may seem like many of our daily choices are not that significant, but it’s important to understand that they really do matter.
"I have set before you life and
death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you
and your descendants may live.” Every choice is a seed you sow, and
those seeds produce fruit in your life – either for life or for death.
And if we want to have the life Jesus died to give us – an abundant
life full of real peace and joy – we need to make wise choices.
-Deuteronomy 30:19
Making good choices lead us to a better happier life...
Let me give you a brief example of what I’m talking about on a practical
level. I go to bed around
10 o’clock every night and am asleep by 10:30. I
get up at 6:00 and spend about an hour with God every morning
before I get ready for the day and walk out the door. I do this every morning because I
need to and love to spend time with God to become more Christ-Like.
I want to become better each day..
Also, I need consistent sleep and regular exercise or I will feel bad physically and mentally.
This is the fruit of making wise choices in my daily life.
When God tells us in Deuteronomy 30:19 to “choose life,” He’s actually
showing us what wisdom looks like – it’s life-giving. And when we
follow wisdom, we live deeper than “I want, I think, I feel…I want, I
think, I feel…” Because wisdom always chooses to do now what it will be
satisfied with later on, while foolishness means “without common
All of use have made some foolish choices in our life, but we can always change no matter what. We can make the choice to become better. But.. you have to be willing to take responsibility for your wrong choices and make a determined decision to change the way you behave. When you do, you’ll find that every right choice you make helps reverse the wrong decisions you’ve made in the past.
I find that I am the happiest and more at peace when I am living my life righteously.
Life just seems to flow more smoothly..
To begin this journey in Christ, we have to understand that nobody can
change themselves.
I know this because when I desperately wanted to
change and be a better person who made right decisions, it was clear
that I couldn’t do it on my own.
I needed God to help renew a right spirit within me and make me secure and whole in Christ.
Then I was able to
choose life and live the way God wants me to live.
Whatever change or changes you need to make in your life, simply pray and ask God to change you
and help you. Study the scriptures in the areas where you are struggling,
like anger, selfishness or unforgiveness.
It’s so comforting to know that we can do something to choose life, not just have
an existence full of misery and death. We can seek wisdom, pray every
day and renew our commitment to do what our Heavenly Father wants us to do. We can live
with integrity and do what’s right – even when no one is watching us but
God. That’s when we know we’re really living for Him and not for
ourselves or to please other people.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Ultimate Dog Tease
I saw this video at work yesterday and just about fell over in my chair laughing!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Chicken Cacciatore: The Crock Pot Way
With the hubs and I constantly working and on the go, I love finding meals that are delicious and take no time to cook when I get home. We love going out to dinner with just the two of us and especially with friends. Its fun to try new restaurants... plus fast and convenient because then we don't have to cook. On the other hand, it gets SO expensive and really makes a dent in your checkbook! When we got married, we got a crock-pot (not just 1 but 6) Yes I know...6!! Lately have been really trying to get a lot of use out it. I found this recipe on Pinterest and had to add it to my "I have to try that" list. |
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cooke Time: 9 hours
Total Time: 9 hours 5 mins
Serves: 6-8
3 pounds chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
Kosher salt and pepper to taste
2 onions, thinly sliced
1 pound fresh mushrooms, thickly sliced
2-4 garlic cloves, minced
2 6oz. cans of tomato paste
2 teaspoons oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
3 tablespoons olive oil
-Add chicken and sliced onions to slow cooker, and then top chicken
with remaining ingredients.
-Cover and cook on Low 7 to 9 hours or on
High 4 to 5 hours.
-Serve over cooked pasta or rice.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
4th of July Wreath Tutorial
On yesterday's post, I shared some 4th of July crafts that I really liked. I love hanging wreaths on our front door. I think it's fun and inviting. On Sunday after Sunday dinner with the family, Josh and I went to my sister-in-laws house. She had a 4th of July wreath (inspired by Pinterest of course!) hanging on her door. I just had to make one of my own and share the tutorial with you guys!! Enjoy!
Supplies12" styrofoam wreath form
2 (25yds) matte white tulle spools
2 (25yds) matte red tulle spools
2 (10yds) royal blue tulle spools
2yds coordination 1 1/2" ribbon
3 wooden stars
hot glue gun with glue sticks
Start by cutting your tulle strips into 22" pieces. If you have a smaller wreath, you will want to adjust this size. I would suggest that you cut a 22" strip then trim it to the desired length and use that as a guide to cut the rest of your strips. I used A LOT of tulle... not quite 2 full spools of each color but pretty close.
2 (25yds) matte white tulle spools
2 (25yds) matte red tulle spools
2 (10yds) royal blue tulle spools
2yds coordination 1 1/2" ribbon
3 wooden stars
hot glue gun with glue sticks
Start by cutting your tulle strips into 22" pieces. If you have a smaller wreath, you will want to adjust this size. I would suggest that you cut a 22" strip then trim it to the desired length and use that as a guide to cut the rest of your strips. I used A LOT of tulle... not quite 2 full spools of each color but pretty close.
I started with the blue tulle on the left side of the ribbon and worked my way about 1/4 down. Then, starting on the right side of the ribbon, I tied 3 red, 3 white, 3 red... etc. etc. Since the flag stripes begin and end with red, I wanted to do that too.
To tie the tulle on I use a loop and pull method. Start by folding the tulle in half. I came under and over to tie, but you can go the other way - just make sure whatever direction you choose that you use it throughout the wreath.
Bring the ends up and slip the folded end over your fingers.
Pull the open ends of the tulle through the folded end as shown:
Pull tight and arrange. Push up to the top of the wreath and continue with another piece.

Once you've finished placing all your tulle... check for uneven ends. Trim these with scissors to make the ends more uniform.
The stars I applied a little bit of hot glue to and sprinkled silver glitter on. I then hot glued them onto the wreath.
Just a little inspiration for today. I came across this on my friends Facebook page and wanted to share.
He is all we need...
To tie the tulle on I use a loop and pull method. Start by folding the tulle in half. I came under and over to tie, but you can go the other way - just make sure whatever direction you choose that you use it throughout the wreath.
Bring the ends up and slip the folded end over your fingers.
Pull the open ends of the tulle through the folded end as shown:
Pull tight and arrange. Push up to the top of the wreath and continue with another piece.
Once you've finished placing all your tulle... check for uneven ends. Trim these with scissors to make the ends more uniform.
The stars I applied a little bit of hot glue to and sprinkled silver glitter on. I then hot glued them onto the wreath.
Just a little inspiration for today. I came across this on my friends Facebook page and wanted to share.
He is all we need...
Monday, June 25, 2012
4th of July Crafts
I’ve collected quite a few 4th of July craft ideas from Pinterest, so I thought it would be fun to share my favorites with you!
Red Hots & Blue Fourth of July Rocket Wreath from Tatertots & Jello
Patriotic Wreath from Capital B
Bunting Banner Tutorial by Sugar Tot Designs
Tin Can Luminaries by Crafts For All Seasons
Patriotic Bandana Tablecloth from Me & My Insanity
Dollar Store Patriotic Milk Glass by Madigan Made
4th of July Napkin Rings from Aesthetic Nest
Ruffle Pillow from Baby Jaynes
Patriotic {Paper} Fireworks by I Heart Naptime
That’s a wrap, y’all! It’s time to get busy crafting and decorating for the 4th!
I hope your Monday is fabulous!
Labels: 4th of July, buttons, crafts, July, patrotic, wreaths
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Peachy Keen
Labels: bangles, blazer, braided sandals, clothing, dresses, Earrings, nail polish, Peach, scarf, sunglasses
Monday, June 18, 2012
Laughter: The Best Medicine
On Saturday my friend Jessica and I had a girls day.
I honestly cannot tell you the last time I have had one of these, but it was so much fun!
We had lunch and spent the day shopping.
After hitting just about every store in the mall, we ended up at F21.
I was looking in the jewelry section when my friend Jessica says,
"Hey Kimberly...what do you think...should I get these?"
I looked up and looked over and couldn't stop laughing at the sunglasses she had on!
It resulted in trying on more accessories, taking pictures and
It's in these moments that we realize just how good life really is and to treasure these happy moments in your heart.
After hitting just about every store in the mall, we ended up at F21.
I was looking in the jewelry section when my friend Jessica says,
"Hey Kimberly...what do you think...should I get these?"
I looked up and looked over and couldn't stop laughing at the sunglasses she had on!
It resulted in trying on more accessories, taking pictures and
It's in these moments that we realize just how good life really is and to treasure these happy moments in your heart.
Labels: friends, girl-time, Laughther, Shopping, sunglasses
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Summer of Modesty
With summer comes the dreaded season of swimwear shopping.
Hitting the runway are swimsuits by Dolce and Gabbana, Prada and other designers for this summer. They are mid-20th-century looks worn by bombshells Esther Williams or Sophia Loren.
Modest is the hottest!
My favorite from Shabby Apple:
Labels: Dolce and Gabbana, Esther Williams, Modest, Prada, Shopping, Sophia Loren, Summer, Swim, Swimming, Swimsuits
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Short Trip to Flagstaff
Home Sweet Home!
It felt so good to come home from Detroit to my husband and sleep in my own bed.
I got to tell you! That 3 hour time difference just kills you!
I arrived home from Detroit on Friday night around 10 and we left the next morning to head up to Flagstaff.
We booked an event to do the Photo Booth for a High School Graduation Party.
It was nice to get away with my husband, even if it was just for the day. Any time with him is totally worth it!
Gaining Some Confidence in Detroit
A little over a month ago, I got promoted from a Secretarial Assistant to Billing Specialist.
You can read how it all happened HERE
Last week I traveled to Detroit to train for my new position.
It was one busy week of non-stop training and missing my husband dearly.
This was the first time I had ever been away from him for more than one day. I didn't like it one bit!
In the midst of all the training and wishing I was with my husband, the past week really gave me some time to spend with God and reflect on my life and the many happenings and blessings that are occurring from day to day.
I think its so amazing and wonderful how the scriptures are like a road map to our lives. All of the many questions and concerns that we have about our lives are all in the scriptures and there is literally an answer to every question that we have. What a blessing!
On Wednesday after work, I went back to my hotel and ordered in room service.
I had been really discouraged earlier that day about my new job. There is just SO much to learn!
I kept thinking to myself
"How am I ever going to get this down?"
"What did I get myself into?"
That night as I was reading the scriptures, the words jumped off the pages and God brought peace, assurance and comfort to my heart.
I was reading the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi Chapter 17.
Nephi is commanded to build a ship and is feeling a little discouraged because he thinks that he can't. His older brothers murmur against him, call him a fool and mock him because he thinks he can build a ship.
In verse 50 & 51, it says:
"And I said unto them: if God had commanded me to do all things I can do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it, it would be done"
And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should build a ship?
We are supposed to liken the scriptures to our lives and they are for our profit and learning.
After reading these two verses, I now have the confidence and surety that I CAN perform this job and perform it well!
If God blessed me with this promotion and brought me to it, He WILL bring me through it!
I am going to press forward with confidence in myself, in God and try my very hardest.
The Lord knows exactly what He is doing and His timing is perfect.
I am so grateful for a wonderful God and His many blessings.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Mood Swings
I believe that there's
a time to pray and a time to act. And even though it's not easy sometimes,
confrontation is often necessary. If you feel the need to confront someone or
something in your life, make sure you do it.
If someone has treated you
badly, you don't have to let them continue to disrespect you, de-value
you or mistreat you. Obviously it won't help you, and it won't help that
person either. Confront them about it in a nice way.Maybe what you need to confront isn't a person. Maybe it's something
you've let creep into your life uninvited, like negative thoughts, a bad
attitude or habitual sin.
We shouldn't let these things control us...
We need to confront them face first...
Some people let unstable moods and out-of-control emotions take control of
their lives. They feel miserable all the time and feel like nothing good can happen to them.
Does this sound like you?
Challenge: Start with saying
"I'm going
to do something great with my life!" Get rid of small thinking and
begin thinking according to what God's Word says and promises.
When you first feel your mood sinking, that's when you need to get a
hold of yourself. As the Bible says, "Resist the devil at his onset (James 4:7)
Even if someone's done you wrong, forgive them in the first 5-10
minutes or you'll sink deeper into that bad mood, and it will be harder
to deal with and let go of.
You don't have to feel like doing the right
thing to do it. Just take that first step and make the choice to do it.
Stability is defined as the ability to quickly return to a calm,
stable state when disturbed, disappointed or upset; the strength to
stand or endure any situation and remain calm. One of the most wonderful
gifts we can give others or ourselves is stability, or dependability.
It's a sign of choosing to trust God. Once we're stable, we will have
the ability to do what we're called to do.
Trusting in God and relying on Him is the key to moving forward into the things God has in store
for us.
You never know what's going to happen when you get up in
the morning for that day, but God wants us to rely on Him and look to
Him all throughout the day for guidance and direction.
A dozen opportunities may arise to get you offended or to say stupid
and negative things, but no matter what you feel like inside—even if you
feel like you're going to blow up—you have a choice. Are you going to
throw a fit, or are you going to go to God and ask Him to help you to
change your mood?
I had a situation this week happen and made me feel like I was going to "blow up" and I felt like I had to vent and tell everyone around me. I have to admit...it was hard trying to take a step back, take a deep breath and get a hold of my negative mood. I feel so grateful that we have the gift to communicate anytime we want with God and tell him what we are feeling. I said a silent prayer to myself and asked God to help me with the situation and help me to calm down and relax.
He did just that :)
When you immediately go to Him, suddenly something will change inside
you. Once you get into the habit of this, you will start to see those
moods and bad attitudes leave a little sooner. That "uninvited guest"
may try to come back, but you will have already decided to not let him
Make a choice...then do it.
Labels: Choices, God, Inspirational, Moods, Prayer, Quotes, Trust