Wednesday, July 9, 2014


The past week has been a whirlwind of emotions to say the least. I have doubted my faith and I have felt weak, but after much prayer, God has brought me to a place where He has given me an incredible amount of peace with everything, knowing that He has it all under control. I feel content and I know that is because of Him. He heals. He comforts. He strengthens. He succors. He understands completely. I handed it all over to Him and told Him that I trusted whatever the outcome would be and would trust that He has a plan that is so wonderful beyond my imagination. I have found in my life through my struggles and trials that when I decide to let go and trust in God completely, that's when He seems to move and bless. Yesterday we sat by our phones waiting for the call from our CPS worker to tell us when E would be leaving this week. The call finally came through and the news we heard was something that we were not expecting at all. Our prayers had been answered and I thanked God over and over and over again! 
Right now E's older sister is with their maternal Grandpa and his newly married wife. They have had her sister for close to two weeks and informed CPS that they cannot handle having two kids right now, that its too much as it is with her sister and can't imagine having to take care of the both of them. The Grandpa also told CPS about a friend of E's Mother that took care of E when she was younger and they were hoping to eventually adopt her, then E's Mother came back into the picture and said that she wanted E back. Our CPS worker told us that the decision was up to us. Right now CPS has no contact with her Mother and can't even get in touch with her at all. Our worker told us that we have two options. We can either keep E or give her up to her Mother's friend. We were confused as to why that would even be an option, because she is so happy living with us. Why move her again? We of course made the decision to keep her. The time that she will stay with us is unknown and up in the air. Right now she will be with us until the Grandpa decides to take her or if and when she can go back to be with her Mom. So from here on out, we are just going to take it day by day and continue to trust God because He knows exactly what He is doing. I am so grateful for that. Grateful for a loving God that has a plan....a great plan.....a plan that is so much better than our own. I am so grateful that He has answered our prayers for E. He is so good. He is so faithful. He is always faithful. With God on your side, wishes really do come true!!
I hope that you will continue to follow our foster care journey!
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