Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Last night we attended the Foster Care Program orientation at Crisis Nursery

The very step required by the state is to attend an orientation for approximately 1 hour.
The orientation covered the general requirements by law as set up by Arizona, the overall 
placement process, the expectations of Foster Parents, and the process of getting licensed.

Once we decide or if we decide to move forward with this, the next step is to register for
a training class. The training is 33 hours. Crisis Nursery offers an accelerated version of
the training over the course of 5 1/2 weeks. The classes will be twice a week on Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 6-9pm. The next training class they have open begins in August 6th.

Throughout the  training, paperwork is submitted (which I heard there is piles and piles of
paperwork to complete), home visits and home inspections are completed for safety concerns.
She told us that if we are diligent about completing our paperwork, the process can move 
very quickly and generally takes people about 3-6 months to become licensed Foster Parents from start to finish.

All of this is so overwhelming but in such a good way!! My heart is so full and radiating with joy!

I feel so grateful that we will be guided every step of the way by our loving Heavenly Father. 
We are going to continue to trust and have faith in Him that He will fit all the pieces together
in order to make this happen. We see His hands in our lives tremendously right now, and we are so excited to see what He has in store. Yes..we know its going to be hard at times and we will face trials, struggles, and challenges that we may need to overcome...but with Him we can get through anything!

Every day I get a different spiritual quote emailed to me. I opened up my email today and read this....

"As you love His children, Heavenly Father will guide you, and angels will assist you. You will be given power to bless lives and rescue souls."
—David L. Beck

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