Monday, October 27, 2014

I Am a Mormon Monday: Meet Courtney

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About Me:

My name is Courtney and I blog over at All Things Unpredictable & Chic! My blog focuses on affordable fashion and encourages women to express their own personal style. I also love sharing DIY projects, new recipes, modest fashion trends, and my newlywed adventures living and working in downtown Salt Lake City!

What is hope and what do you hope for?

Hope is what fills my life with happiness. Hope is often misunderstood and hints at uncertainty. I believe it is a gift of the Spirit allowing us to look forward to the things ahead. I hope for a happy life! One filled with happiness, laughter, and memories with the ones I love. I want to have a life I can look back at with no regrets and fill contentment with the things I have done here on Earth.
How I live my faith:

I live my faith through service. It is important to look for opportunities to serve others, to give the benefit of the doubt to someone in need, to look for ways to comfort others when they are in difficult times. When you love someone and prayerfully seek ways to help them, your service speaks more than your words.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be featured on your blog Kimberly!!


Interested in being featured on my blog for I Am a Mormon Monday?


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